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  • lexiiegray2 Me photo 11213241
  • lexiiegray2 Me photo 11213240


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23, Par žensko + muško
Zanima me:  Žene, Muškarci, Parovi, Trans
Jezici:  Španjolski
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Upitnik o seksu

Možeš postavljati plaćena pitanja o bilo kojoj temi koja te zanima kako bi saznao još više o lexiiegray2!

  1. 1. What’s your favorite sex position?

    missionary or doggy position

  2. 2. Why morning sex is the best?

    start you day with a good breakfast sex, it makes your day lighter and less boring, you will be too relaxed to let yourself damage your day since you started it in the best way

  3. 3. Domination or obedience?

    I like to dominate but sometimes I tend to be very obedient

  4. 4. What was your best orgasm?

    make me squirt all over the room

  5. 5. Where would you like to have sex?

    at a friend's house while having a party

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